Monday 10 November 2014

Comparing My room with someone else-Puke

mind mapping software
This is my Venn Diagram that Compares My room with someone else from another country. The photo that I got was from Photo Story by James Mollison. If you would like to see more of those Images please check out this web site.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Figartive Language


By Bruno Marz


Easy come easy go, that's just how you live
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open, why were they open

Sunday 16 June 2013


this was me playing street racer i must try harder

Interviewing people

Interviewing People

L.I. - Library/Research Skills
Know that we have access to people as experts about subjects

Match the person to the reason for being interviewed

A local festival organiser
What major events are celebrated and why are they celebrated in our local area?
A representative of the fire department
What methods are used to fight fires?
A leading member of the Maori community
What is the Maori history of our area?
A researcher on local transport
What public transport is available?  Does it meet peoples needs?
A member of the local historic society
What are some past events that have happened in the local area?
A park ranger
What are the native flora and fauna in our area?
A manager of the shopping centre
How does a major retail centre, with many shops work?
A representative from Tamaki College
What opportunities are there at the local secondary school?
A lifeguard at the local pool
What programmes are available at the pool for children?
A member of the local council
What work do councillors do in the local area?

Thursday 23 May 2013

my flipsnack book

Yr 7 Tech

We had fun sharing our passions with every one and Mrs Anderson and Miss Anderson. I have learnt new things every week but now today is our last day so thank-you Miss Anderson for teaching us.

Yr 7 tech

I have made a Flipsnack because today is the yr 7's last day at the digital technology. I had a lot of fun of fun in the yr 7's tech.